"Julie listened patiently and expertly interpreted and incorporated the company's goals and values into her thoughtful designs."
–Rory Caswell Pace, MPH, RD, CSR, FAND
Client: NewDay Nutrition
• Created logo and branding design
• Established Art Direction, Lead Designer, and developed Brand Guide
• Worked with external web developer lead as Art Director
• File organization and dissemination to printers
• Project and Time Management
• Partnered with web design firm, providing Art Direction & style guide to create NewDayNutrition.com
Designed in 2019
Hand Sketched, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe InDesign, Adobe Photoshop
Hand Sketched, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe InDesign, Adobe Photoshop
Design Recap
Below is a recap of the developmental process for the logo design, starting from a simple conversation to developing a more refined brief, sketching (digitally) all the ideas from the design team, and distilling them down into ideas to refine before presenting to the client. From there, the selected items are presented with some creative context in grayscale (so as to not have a client lean towards a design because of a color preference. The shown items are discussed with the client to get a feel for what direction they feel most drawn to. In this particular circumstance, we were asked to present a few more ideas than usual, as it was a new service line for an existing business. Once we've landed on their favorites, we explore with color and refine till the above design was achieved.